Bible Classes
Your children have plenty of opportunities to get involved at Freeman. You can find ministries for your infants through Fifth graders.
Our children's Bible classes are filled with fun and learning. There are nurseries available for your infants or one-year-old, and nursery Bible classes for your two or three year old. We teach age-appropriate Bible lessons in each class, using exciting activities and illustrations during each lesson.
You will be eager to be in class, every Sunday morning at 9:30am!
Bible Classes in Order and Age:
Nursery Class / 1yr - Potty Trained (Julie Harrison)
Primary Class / Potty Trained - 6yrs (Brittney Mitchell)
Junior Class / 7yrs - 11yrs (Helen Hambelton)
Teen Class / 12yrs - 17yrs (Neal & Donna Queen)
The Bridge / College & Career - (Nolan Shoaf / Pastor Brandon)
Discovery / Young Adults (Single & Married) - (Richard & Crystal Webster)
Firm Foundation / Auditorium Class (Adult Class) - (Hoyle Harrison)